7 Ideas to Make Homeschool Planning Time Less Terrible

Planning time can be overwhelming and even seem daunting. But to have a successful homeschool, you need to take the time to plan. Today we’re going to share some tips to make your planning time fun (or at least a little less painful) and help you get the most out of your time!

homeschool planning time pin, frustrated mom at computer

Get away

As homeschooling moms, there is often very little time we have to ourselves. But just like public school teachers need planning periods, we too need some time to work on our homeschool plans free of distraction.

So make it a priority to set aside some time away from the kids ocasionally. Arrange someone to watch them and get away. Even if it’s just for a couple of hours to your local coffee shop or library.

If you can arrange it, maybe get a whole day or two away to a hotel where you can really dive into the planning once a year. Having a longer amount of time can help you focus on what is necessary and also fit in some good time to unwind a bit.

Do it with friends

If you can, plan with a friend! You can bounce ideas off of each other and help each other think things through. Plus, it’s always more fun to do things with friends.

Meet at a coffee shop for a few hours. Go to a homeschool convention together. Or plan a whole weekend together. Get some planning time in during the day then have fun in the evening!

moms walking through woods planning time
Photo by Greg Rosenke

Get new tools

A great way to get excited about something is to get something new. So why not get yourself some new special planning tools to use? The trick though is you can’t open them until planning time!

Get excited to use a new planner, some new pens, markers, art supplies! Think about something that will help you look forward to your homeschool planning time.

Treat yourself

Planning can be so draining, so don’t forget to reward yourself! Get your favorite coffee, some ice cream, or whatever you enjoy to make the time more enjoyable. Grab a treat before you start working or reward yourself with it at the end of day.

Here are some more ideas of ways you can treat yourself without quite so many empty calories:

  • Get outdoors in nature by yourself
  • Do some yoga
  • Read a book (not about homeschooling!)
  • Get a special meal
  • Go for a walk with friends
  • Get a mani/pedi
  • Shop by yourself

Whatever fills your cup, work that into your planning time so you have something to look forward to.

woman using laptop while sitting on chair working on homeschool planning time
Photo by Brooke Cagle

Set aside time at home

Leaving the kids for hours, of course, isn’t possible for everyone. If you can’t find someone to watch your kids or you just don’t want to leave them, don’t forfeit your planning time.

Find a day when Dad or Grandma is available to watch the kids while you are still close by. If possible, get a quiet space to yourself – maybe lock the door – and get to work. If the baby needs to nurse or someone needs momma love, you’ll still be close by. This also works great with hiring a mommy’s helper.

To make planning happen on your own, you could take advantage of the nap times of your littles, get up early, stay up late, or just work with a clingy baby. Sometimes that’s just what we have to do as moms. In this situation, treats for mom are necessary.

Sometimes you can steal some quiet time with a new toy for your toddler. The occasional movie or educational app is also great in a pinch.

Build in breaks

It’s important to take breaks while you’re planning. Otherwise you’ll just get burnt out and frustrated. Get up and walk around, take a nap, or just step away from your work to clear your head.

You could use the Pomodoro method and grab a timer for your breaks. Or just work while you’re well focused and break when you need to.

If you find yourself getting frustrated, step away. Work on something else and come back later when your mind is more clear.

person in gray hoodie using computer on brown wooden table homeschool planning time
Photo by charlesdeluvio

Prepare in Advance

Planning can take a good bit of effort, so it’s important to be prepared for it. Have all the resources and tools you may need ready before it’s time to start. Get good sleep the night before. You’ll function best and be able to focus when you’re well rested.

It’s always helpful to have a goal in mind, otherwise you might feel like you’re just aimlessly floating around. Figure out what you want to achieve by the end of your planning day and work towards that.

Knowing that the time is coming can help you make the most of it. You’ll be able to plan in some enjoyable things. Sometimes just knowing you have something to look forward to can make the days ahead easier.


Your homeschool planning time doesn’t have to be a drag. By using these ideas, you can make your homeschool planning time less dreadful. Maybe you’ll even look forward to it!

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