There are so many homeschool planners out there, y’all. Just do a quick search on the internet. You’ll find several planning tools that claim to be the best homeschool planner and many reviewers agreeing that it’s the best. But is it? I challenge the thought that there is any planner out there that is the best for everyone. So you won’t find a blog here about the 10 best homeschool planners. It’s not a thing.
The best planner is the one that is used.
Today I’m going to try to break down some basics for you a bit to help you get started finding the best one for you. Not the best one for your friend or your coop leader or that blogger on the internet. The best homeschool planner for you. It’s so tempting to use the bright-and-fancy-super-duper-highly-customizable one, but it might leave you overwhelmed. And maybe the idea of DIY sounds cheap and fun. But will you make the time?
Every year it seems I try a new planner for our homeschool in search of that unicorn that will do all the hard work for me. But I have realized that there is no magical Molly Weasley planner – if only! We still have to do the hard work ourselves. With that said, there are a good bit of great planning options out there that can put you on the right track to finding your planning utopia.
I have tried a lot of planners to find the one that ends up being used in my house. And truth be told, it may change again next year! I want to help you find the best homeschool planner that works for you too. So here are a few ways to help you narrow down your search to find the best homeschool planner for your family.

Digital or paper?
Most people think about a planner and think about a paper version. And there are many homeschool planner options out there in paper. But is that what you want? For those who like to always have access to your calendar and other planner essentials, even while on the go, there are homeschool planner options in a digital format as well. You could also use a hybrid of digital and paper as well in any sort of combo.
In another post, I have created a great run-down of digital homeschool planners. And here is a link to my listing of paper planners for homeschoolers. Be sure to click through for individual reviews!
Pre-made or DIY?
Do you love an open and go pre-made planner or do you prefer to design it all yourself so you can have exactly what you want? There are a ton of pre-made options around for homeschool planners on the inter webs. But if you love to do art, bujo, digital spreadsheets, or other highly customizable options, then the sky is the limit for you. But of course this option takes TIME.….so choose wisely. There are also a few options for pre-made planners with a good bit of options to customize.

Ship or print?
Next thing to consider in narrowing down your homeschool planner options, particularly if you’re going the paper route. Consider whether you want to get a planner that is getting shipped to you or if you are up for printing it yourself. This could mean you print the files at home or take the file to your local office store and have the planner printed and bound for you. Printing something yourself often will give you more customization options and can also be cheaper in many ways. But do remember to add in the cost of ink at home or printing and binding in store.
The cost of homeschooling books and such can add up real fast. So you may not feel like you have any more money to spend on a planning system. Free printables and DIY options may be more for you. Maybe you’re still figuring out this homeschooling thing and you don’t even know how or what to plan. Putting money into planning seems crazy. Or maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum and want the “best” most flashy online system. You think, surely technology and access means better so the money will be worth it.
I will caution you though, to figure in opportunity cost. For anyone not familiar with this economics term, it’s the idea that anytime you choose one option, there is a cost or loss of what may have been gained if you had chosen another option. In the case of planning, you are going to be trading time for saving (or spending!) money. If you DIY a plan, this can take a lot of time and research. Or for those not very techy, that amazing online planner may take so much time to learn that what it gives you may not actually be worth it. Sometimes simplicity and done-for-you can be the most cost-efficient in any sense of the term. But also some pre-made planners have many sections or pages you may not use or need. Even that option may be wasteful.
Wrap it up
I hope you now see there is no “best” planner for everyone or maybe even anyone. I also hope that I’ve helped you narrow down the search a little as you work toward finding your magical unicorn planner.
Do you like to have your planner easily accessible no matter where you are? Perhaps you need to have paper in your hands. Or maybe you are a digital girl. Do you like all the bells and whistles or prefer a simple approach to planning? Do you love to customize your planner and make it exactly what you need? What kind of money do you have available for a planner? Answer these questions and you’re on your way to the best homeschool planner for you.
Have you found a planner that works for you? Tell me about it in the comments!
Related articles:
13 Online Planners for homeschool
23 Paper Planner for Homeschoolers
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